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Frequently Asked Questions

RankPay provides Upfront Pricing for the Top 30 Positions segmented into (5) Ranking Tiers. Our Keyword Opportunity Tool displayed above highlights the Tiered Pricing for every keyword:
Tier 1 > Positions 21-30 (Lowest)
Tier 2 > Positions 11-20
Tier 3 > Positions 7-10
Tier 4 > Positions 4-6
Tier 5 > Positions 1-3 (Highest)
Each Tier has a service fee listed that is charged when your site ranks within that range. RankPay’s Upfront Pricing is calculated by comparing SEO related factors for both your site and your competition for each keyword.
Our system analyzes rankings for all active keywords. Your SEO campaign will only be charged when rankings have increased into the Top 30 and have achieved a more prominent ranking than the keyword’s original position in Google and Yahoo!/Bing.
As an example in the table above, if your site ranks at #4 on Google ($250) and #11 on Yahoo!/Bing ($100) the monthly service fee for your keyword would equate to $350.

Service fees are ONLY assessed if your site is ranking within the Top 30 Positions AND your site has increased from its existing ranking position. Using the example above, the site is ranked at #8 on Yahoo/Bing. A price is still displayed for 10-7, as the keyword’s rankings can still improve within that pricing Tier to position #7. However, customers are not charged unless the site ranks at #7 or above, which is both within the top 30 positions and an increase from the existing ranking at #8.
Please note, if a keyword’s service is cancelled on any day other than the first day of the month, the keyword will be subject to a pro-rated service charge based on the number of days that the keyword was active in that given month.
Keyword pricing is locked on the Activation Date, and will not change. After the six month period is completed, customers have the following (3) program considerations at their sole discretion:
- Customer can choose to deactivate keywords at any time without ($200) Deactivation Fee;
- Customer can choose to transition to “RankPay’s SEO Services Maintenance Program” if the keyword ranking reaches the Top 10 positions on Google. If the customer chooses to transition to the “Maintenance Program”, the keyword pricing will be reduced by 50% of the monthly program price.
- Customer can cancel at any time with the applicable monthly pro-rated charges applied, and the Deactivation Fee is not charged based on the completion of the six month program.
We created the Performance-based SEO Services model so that the responsibility is on us to help you achieve long-standing, prominent rankings. Therefore, RankPay has a shared and aligned incentive with each and every customer to obtain top rankings. If we feel that we are unable to help your site achieve top rankings, we will suggest alternative, relevant keywords for your consideration.
Our SEO Team has partnerships with hundreds of publishers, blogs, and directory sites. Nearly all RankPay SEO activities result in permanent exposure, even if the program is no longer in Active status. We work with our partners to identify relevant context for opportunities to further strengthen our customer’s SEO programs.
Within RankPay’s Dashboard, Customers also have full access to their Account Information, All Active Keywords, All Pending Keywords, All Deactivated Keywords, a Keyword Watchlist to monitor non-active keywords, and a SEO Services Activity Description Report for their Active Keywords.
Our service is specifically focused to increase your site’s rankings for your targeted, desired keywords. The majority of the time, obtaining prominent rankings on your keywords becomes a solid pillar in your marketing portfolio. Although, we know there are times when the traffic is there, but conversions are not. In these cases, we will work with you to explore other keyword options to test that may yield better results.